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News Around Riverside
Drawings by 5th Grade student Lanie Crum and 4th Grade student Caroline Morgan will be featured on notecard sets sold by Angels for Allison.
Lessons and Carols is one of our favorite Christmas time traditions at RPDS! Our 3rd and 4th Grade classes did a wonderful job sharing the meaning of the season through scripture, song, and dance this morning.
Each year, beginning in 1st Grade, students design a nativity sculpture. In 1st Grade students create baby Jesus, 2nd Grade they create Mary, 3rd Grade they create Joseph, and in 4th Grade the nativity is completed by creating an angel. The collection makes a wonderfully treasured work of art and cherished memory from this special season.
Students got to time travel today as they enjoyed the 4th-6th Grade musical! In honor of Riverside’s 75th anniversary, the 4th - 6th grade musical takes a journey through different decades exploring fashion trends, music, and more! Parents are invited to see the show and take a trip down memory lane tomorrow morning in Kissling Hall (following Chapel)!
It was an extra special Chapel this morning as members of the RPDS worship band (an Afternoon Academy offering) started the service with a beautiful performance! We are so thankful these students shared their gifts and hard work with us this morning.
Last week our school had the treat of exploring the 6th Grade Art Exhibit! The exhibit was a wonderful display of their journey through art at RPDS, featuring paintings, sculptures, self portraits, and more. We hope the Class of 2023 continues to create amazing things as they move forward in their educational journey.
This morning our 4th Grade class presented the annual tradition of ‘Lessons & Carols’ in chapel. Thank you 4th Grade for the beautiful performance!
RPDS's 3rd Grade class presented a Christmas musical entitled Christmas Showstoppers December 7th and 8th. The musical featured eight upbeat songs with square dancing, a fiddler, caller, elves, and Santa Claus.
This week RPDS hosted our annual 5th and 6th Grade Spelling Bee. Congratulations to our champion, Lila Jimerson and runner up, Kate Skinner for their excellent work in the competition. Thank you to all our students who participated in the Spelling Bee!
It was an all RPDS championship game tonight! Tonight RPDS Team 3 won the North Florida Independent Schools Athletic Conference championship! It was a competitive game with both teams displaying tremendous sportsmanship and determination. Way to go Rams!
Tonight RPDS Team 1 won the North Florida Independent Schools Athletic Conference championship! We are proud of the teamwork and determination these players displayed this season. Way to go Rams!
To begin the new year, 4th grade students were given a team building activity in STEAM class involving marbles. Students were tasked to work as a group to move ten marbles from one cup to another cup without touching the cups or marbles.
Today we welcomed our RAMS back to campus! It was a great day as we welcomed over 370 students to RPDS to kick off the 2022-2023 school year.
Sundae Monday is the sweetest Monday of the whole year! We enjoyed welcoming families back to campus for this cherished RPDS tradition, marking the start to a new school year.
This week RPDS hosted a fun summer gathering for our incoming PreK 3, PreK 4 and Kindergarten students and their parents. During Play & Preview, our newest students had the opportunity to meet and play with their soon to be classmates on the playground, preview their classrooms, and enjoy a sample music lesson.