The Steve and Dotty Risley Media Center
The mission of the Steve & Dotty Risley Media Center is to enable the RPDS community of students, faculty and staff to become efficient, effective, and creative users and producers of information, and to promote the proficiency of reading for information and pleasure as essential skills for successful student learning.
The mission is achieved by:
- providing access to a well-balanced collection of materials to support teaching, learning and recreational reading needs in a variety of formats, many of which are accessible 24/7.
- ensuring library materials are inherently representative of our diverse community and world, in ideology, authorship and in character representation.
- providing engaging experiences with literature in all genres as well as experiences highlighting reading, writing and illustration.
- creating a climate of inquiry and discovery through the inclusion of topics of student interest and collaboration with classroom teachers on curriculum topics.
- fostering creativity and collaboration for the RPDS community in a welcoming space, staffed with professionals who understand the needs and abilities of the individuals in the community.
Take a Peek Into The Steve & Dotty Risley Media Center
Literary Events Around Campus
We also have FUN with reading and literature. We have many literature-focused events designed to celebrate readers, writers and books.
Author in Residence Program
Through our Author-in-Residence program, our students read and hear acclaimed authors talk about their work. Students have a chance to ask questions, meet the authors personally, and have books signed.
Birthday Book Club
The Birthday Book Club is a fun way for students to contribute to the RPDS community. For a donation of $20, students can choose from a special selection of brand new books in the library. A book plate honoring the student is placed on the inside of the book, and the student receives a special Birthday Book Club backpack tag. Then, the donor student is the first one to check out the book. A flyer is sent home at the beginning of each student's birth month. Did you miss it? It is never too late! Sign up on myRPDS, or simply send an email to Mrs. Lucas in the Library.
Reading Buddies
We support several campus reading-buddy and readers’ theater collaborations. Reading Buddies is a monthly event that takes place at RPDS. Third grade students select a book to read with their kindergarten pal. During this treasured reading time, the kindergartners will also read to their buddy.
Scholastic Book Fair
We have two book fairs each year, to celebrate book ownership. A highlight of our spring fair is our Book Character Parade.